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Spectre iOS v3.0.4, build 44 (public)


- Ability for users to report feedback on the application and their experience.
- Selected site cells now trigger their primary action more easily by simply tapping the cell.


- Font issues in AutoFill.


 - Fix Poppins font access in AutoFill.
   [FIXED]     Regression causing Poppins to no longer be available in AutoFill.
 - Trigger primary action when tapping selected cell.
   [UPDATED]   Selected cells now trigger the primary cell action when tapped for easy access to it.
 - Replace dot with underscore for custom segment keys.
   [UPDATED]   Countly doesn't handle dots in keys well, stripping them out.
 - Source usage feedback from users.
   [ADDED]     Ability to submit feedback on your experience in the app & submit app reviews.
 - Update marketing version when bumping project version.
   [UPDATED]   When build version is bumped, also update marketing version.
               Switched to new fastlane versioning plugin which doesn't rely on agvtool, since it hasn't been updated with support for MARKETING_VERSION in Xcode build settings.