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Spectre iOS v3.0.2, build 41 (public)


- Show tips on how to create a good personal secret for your Spectre user.


- Restore purchases made in Master Password when migrating.


- Missing backdrop shadow to improve contrast on user name when making a new user.


 - Bump marketing version for new public release.
 - Bump TPInAppReceipt.
 - Spectre assets are now split between personal and enterprise.
 - Tips for a good personal secret.
   [ADDED]     Tips for composing a good new personal secret.
 - Toggle premium testing through dedicated configurable.
   [UPDATED]   Testing Premium now has to happen through a dedicated toggle since we need to enable not just the premium feature but also all other features brought in by the premium subscription.
 - Remove Stacksift since it is ceasing operations.
   [UPDATED]   Remove pointers from error messages to allow them to collate.
 - Instate all former Master Password features for legacy users.
   [UPDATED]   Legacy Master Password customers can continue to use Master Password-only features.