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Spectre iOS v3.0.1, build 39 (beta)


- Sites opened from within the app now use the device's default browser.
- Metrics for premium subscriptions.


- Crash on iOS 15 when a race condition occurs during collection selection.
- Reliability of AutoFill suggestions.


 - Fastlane fixes.
   [FIXED]     A few syntax issues in the updated Fastlane file.
 - Track premium subscription purchase metrics.
   [ADDED]     Metrics to track App Store purchases such as Premium subscription.
 - Fix tracking of entropy values.
   [FIXED]     Entropy metrics got lost due to password field being cleared early.
   [UPDATED]   Allow nil parameters, which cause the key to be omitted.
   [UPDATED]   Simplify some metrics code.
 - Open site URLs in the user's default browser.
   [UPDATED]   Open sites in the user's browser instead of in-app.
               We don't want to become responsible for being able to render the entire internet.
 - Expose error description in error message.
   [UPDATED]   Allow error description to be exposed in the error/warning level events to improve their exposure for debugging.
               The localized error description should be free of PII.
 - AutoFill suggestion improvements.
   [ADDED]     When using autofill from a site, record its URL if the site has no URL set yet.
   [UPDATED]   Update users in the app when the app foregrounds in case the extension changed the data.
   [UPDATED]   Expose site URLs as URL type identities to the credentials store.
   [ADDED]     Update AutoFill credentials when extension is enabled.
   [FIXED]     Correctly parse out site URL when deriving autofill identities from user metadata.
   [IMPROVED]  Semaphore for locking access to the credentials store.
 - Update users when AutoFill appears.
   [FIXED]     Reload users when any users UI appears, in case users have changed.
               Fixes: AutoFill UI not updating when user turns off autofill.
 - Don't scroll to non-existing items.
   [FIXED]     Don't request scrolling to an item that doesn't exist yet.
 - Finalize Sentry releases.
   [FIXED]     Sentry releases don't seem to get finalized reliably when created, so use the dedicated finalize command.
 - Survive build notes for failed releases.
   [UPDATED]   Allow to survive partially when releases fail and new commits are made.