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Spectre iOS v3.0 (alpha.18)

This is an alpha release of the new Spectre platform.

Spectre is a decentralized identity platform based on the former
Master Password algorithm.

The 3.0 release marks a full port of all Master Password capabilities
into the fully rewritten and redesigned Spectre frontend.


- A passphrase strength meter when creating a new personal secret.
- When you prefer masked passwords, we now clean up the UI further and add a new "unmask" button in the site's cell to temporarily reveal a site's password.


- When proposing a new site for a URL, we're now more clever about stripping out the top-level private domain name from it for a better site name suggestion.
- Password strength calculation now takes English words into account to better estimate against dictionary attacks.
- Password strength calculation now takes repeating or similar tokens in passwords into account.
- Site cell user interface has been cleaned up by removing some unnecessary UI.
- Site cell animations have been improved.


- A potential dead-lock due to threading issues when internal tasks get cancelled.
- The detail panel's close button now positions itself more safely outside of the space used by the operating system for controls.
- A possible issue where the layout behaved as if a keyboard was showing when it isn't anymore.
- Several internal memory leaks, slowing things down over time.

Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing: