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Spectre iOS v3.0 (alpha.17)

This is an alpha release of the new Spectre platform.

Spectre is a decentralized identity platform based on the former
Master Password algorithm.

The 3.0 release marks a full port of all Master Password capabilities
into the fully rewritten and redesigned Spectre frontend.


- Long-press the user's initials button to instantly log out and switch to another user.
- Access password, login and security question configuration directly by long-pressing the mode button.
- Start with an initial default site selection to speed up use.


- Statistics on time-to-crack based on hashing power of the modern Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti vs. a standard bcrypt-10 hash based on the latest and most performant hashcat statistics.
- Font Awesome updated and new Biometrics and Open Source icons.
- Language tweaks for improved clarity.
- Contrast in theming colours and borders.


- Animation of new site cell when changing the search query.
- Animation of site cells when logging into the user.
- User interface and icon fixes for iOS 12.
- Possible crash when exporting user on iPad.
- Potential to crash during auto fill when user has a lot of sites.

Please note that this is pre-release software and no guarantees are made
for reliability.  Should you encounter any issues, please provide
feedback through the built-in feedback mechanisms or by emailing: