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  • The improved version should support everything but CSS selectors and JS.

    The original version from 2019-07-07 is archived in this comment because I don't think Gitlab has history for Snippits.

    (deftype html-empty-element ()
      '(member :area :base :br :col :embed :hr :img :input :keygen :link :meta
        :param :source :track :wbr))
    (deftype escaped-character ()
      '(member #\< #\> #\&))
    (defun generate-attributes (contents stream)
      (if (and contents (keywordp (car contents)))
          (loop :for sublist :on contents :by #'cddr
                :until (not (keywordp (car sublist)))
                :do (destructuring-bind (keyword value &rest rest)
                      (declare (ignore rest))
                      (format stream " ~A=\"" (string-downcase (symbol-name keyword)))
                      (typecase value
                        (string (write-escaped-string value stream t))
                        (t (write-escaped-string (format nil "~A" value) stream t)))
                      (write-char #\" stream))
                :finally (return sublist))
    (defun write-escaped-string (string stream &optional attribute?)
      (declare (string string))
      (loop :for character :across string
            :do (case character
                  (#\< (write-string "&lt;" stream))
                  (#\> (write-string "&gt;" stream))
                  (#\& (write-string "&amp;" stream))
                  (#\" (if attribute?
                           (write-string "&quot;" stream)
                           (write-char character stream)))
                  (t (write-char character stream)))))
    (defun generate-html (expression &key (stream *standard-output*) (xml? nil))
      (destructuring-bind (tag &rest contents) expression
        (let ((empty-element? (typep tag 'html-empty-element)))
          (format stream "<~A" (string-downcase (symbol-name tag)))
          (let ((contents (generate-attributes contents stream)))
            (if (and xml? empty-element?)
                (write-string " />" stream)
                (write-char #\> stream))
            (when (and empty-element? contents)
              (error "Empty elements cannot have a body."))
            (dolist (item contents)
              (typecase item
                (list (generate-html item :stream stream))
                (string (write-escaped-string item stream))
                (t (write-escaped-string (format nil "~A" item) stream)))))
          (unless empty-element?
            (format stream "</~A>" (string-downcase (symbol-name tag)))))))
    (defun main ()
      (with-output-to-string (output)
        (write-string "<!doctype html>" output)
           (:head (:title "Hello"))
           (:body (:p "This is " (:em "the") " " (:strong "message") " body.")
                  (:p "This is a link to " (:a :href ""
                  (:p "A paragraph uses a " (:code "<p>") " tag" (:br) "& everything goes inside of the "
                      (:code "<html>") " tag.")))
         :stream output)))
  • Note: This code was further developed in the cl-documents repository.

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