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  • This is great! I added the line

        'Default': ColorPresets('Solarized Light', 'Solarized Dark'),

    So it applies it to my default (ie most) of my term sessions.

  • Hi, thank you for your job. I am wondering if there is a way to combine the theme to the iterm profile's tag because in my case I have lots of profile with different names, I don't want to change the names of my profiles while I can add a tag to distinguish which theme or dark/light mode I want.

  • Ian @ViViDboarder ·

    @HoweChen Probably. However tags don't allow any kind of key: value. Though I suppose you could add tags with a particular syntax such as light:Solarized Light and dark:Solarized Dark and then use those.

    The advantage is that you would not have to update this script ever, disadvantage being that there is a little bit more setup involved. Maybe I'll add that as an option.

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