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Slippi Combo Detector

This page is still under development

This library is meant to aid in developers extracting combo data from Slippi replays and give a human-readable digest of combos detected within Slippi replays. The library is being developed against this API.

Combo Detector API

Function Description
ComboDetector(path: string, debug?: boolean) Create new combo detection object which computes combos from specified Slippi replay path.
getCombos(): PlayerCombos[] Get all combos and order them by player port.
export(path: string): boolean Writes the detected combos to path in JSON format.
static import(path: string, debug?: boolean): ComboDetector Imports an exported combo detection object from path.
toString(): string Returns a human readable digest of all combos landed in replay.

Player Combo API

A PlayerCombos is an alias to the PlayerCombo[] type.

Function Description
didKill(): boolean Returns true if the combo killed; otherwise, returns false.
getMoves(): Moves Returns a list of moves that were performed during the combo by the player landing the combo.
totalDamage(): number Returns the total percent damage done by the combo.
toString(): string Returns a human readable digest of the combo.

Move API

A Moves is an alias to the Move[] type.

Function Description
didKill(): boolean | undefined Returns true if the move landed was responsible for killing; if the combo did not kill, return undefined; otherwise, return false.
damage(): number Returns the amount of percent damage done by the move landed.
toString(): string Returns a human readable digest of the move landed during the combo.
convert(): MoveLandedType Returns a MoveLandedType (from @slippi/slippi-js) version of the move.