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  • Rodrigo Tobar's avatar
    Support sending out-of-order heaps · 33fc1d95
    Rodrigo Tobar authored
    This commit implements a new option in the cbf-emulator to send heaps
    out of order, which in turn can be used to test how the receiver reacts
    to different situations. The option specifies how many data heaps to
    send *before* the start-of-stream heap, with a default value of 0 (send
    heaps in order), and negative values meaning that the start-of-stream
    heap should never be sent.
    In order to support delaying for the maximum amount of data heaps, we
    now need to potentially send the SOS heap at stop() time.
    This work is part of YAN-1142
    Signed-off-by: default avatarRodrigo Tobar <>