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  • Calen Pennington's avatar
    Add Content Type Gating Behind Waffle Flag · 83d676cb
    Calen Pennington authored
    Content Type Gating: Xblocks that have a graded component cannot be
    accessed by audit track users.
      - Caveats:
        - In studio, instructors can set certain xblocks to be available to
          all users, but graded components will default to not being
          available for audit users
        - If a course does not have a verified mode option, all users will
          have access to graded content.
    The Waffle Flag: The waffle flag is of for now.
      It's name is: ```content_type_gating.debug```
    This Commit Does NOT Include: Displaying for a user WHY they do not have
    access to a specific piece of content.  That change will be part of
    another PR.