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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.5.0 protected
    77bec052 · shvcli version 0.5.0 ·
    Release: Release 0.5.0
    shvcli version 0.5.0
    * Minimal supported version of pySHV is now 0.7.0
  • v0.4.0 protected
    cd5eedb5 · shvcli version 0.4.0 ·
    Release: Release 0.4.0
    shvcli version 0.4.0
    * Minimal supported version of pySHV is now 0.6.0
  • v0.3.0 protected
    65ee88cb · shvcli version 0.3.0 ·
    Release: Release 0.3.0
    shvcli version 0.3.0
    * Ability to scan tree right after connection
    * Automatic calling of getters when listing nodes and methods
    * Take default URL from configuration (the first host) instead of always
      connecting to the localhost
    * Method results in CPON are now printed with JSON syntax highlight
      (There is no syntax lexer for CPON at the moment)
    * `!set` now sets boolean options instead of toggling it
    * `!help` now handles multiline descriptions in a better way
    * `dir` and `ls` listings are now better wrapped to multiple lines
  • v0.2.1 protected
    acfb114f · shvcli version 0.2.1 ·
    Release: Release 0.2.1
    shvcli version 0.2.1
    * Version reported by setuptools and thus on and readme format
  • v0.2.0 protected
    a7123dd8 · shvcli version 0.2.0 ·
    Release: Release 0.2.0
    shvcli version 0.2.0
    * Added builtin method `!scan` that allows discovery of SHV tree
    * Validation of CPON when entering it on CLI
    * Ability to set some configuration options from configuration file
    * Added option to switch to Vi like input mode (`vimode` config option)
    * Keep cache between process invocations
    * Builtin commands `raw`, `autoprobe` and `debug` were replaced with
    * Long CPON is now printed on multiple lines instead of one long
    * Bultin functions `!subscribe`, `!usubscribe` and `!tree` now correctly
      uses full SHV path and not just path from argument
  • v0.1.1 protected
    0fe25322 · SHVCli version 0.1.1 ·
    Release: Release 0.1.1
    SHVCli version 0.1.1
    * Interrupt (Ctrl-C) now terminates prompt input and method call in
      primary loop instead of terminating it
    * Switch to `/` is not posible because this path was considered invalid
    * Fixed color scheme with white terminals
    * Fixed hang when switching to invalid path
  • v0.1.0 protected
    639c03c8 · shvcli version 0.1.0 ·
    Release: Release 0.1.0
    shvcli version 0.1.0