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  • Nick R. Papior's avatar
    Enabled BLAS and LAPACK sources shipped with siesta fixes lp:1593706 · a1c0f310
    Nick R. Papior authored
    - Updated blas.f and lapack.f to encompass all required
      routines to succesfully compile siesta without having the
      blas and lapack libraries.
      We still do not recommend this as performance libraries
      (especially BLAS) will drastically improve performance.
      The current sources (without comments) are taken from
      the lapack svn repository at revision 1776 (v3.6.1)
    - To make it easier to update the scripts in future
      commits a script and script
      are added which enables to retrieve the correct sources
      from the basic lapack/blas sources.
    - Updated documentation which describes libsiestaBLAS/LAPACK.a
    - Enabled libsiestaBLAS/LAPACK.a in tbtrans