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  • Nick R. Papior's avatar
    enh: cleanup in TS, phases, ts-dq · 57897def
    Nick R. Papior authored
    This brings a much needed clean-up of comments and
    array indices in the TS approach.
    Basically many of the comments were wrong based on
    a transposed view of the matrix + phases.
    Additionally we had the dm_update routine doing
    the transposing of the matrix calculations.
    This was very awkward. This is only for the EQ
     DM_eq \propto (Gf - Gf^\dagger)
    Now we do it a little easier and do it in the
    respective add_DM routines, this makes
    dm_update much easier to comprehend and it
    should also be faster since searching the sparse
    elements should be slower than indexing the transpose
    array element in add_DM.
    This means we have a problem for ts_dq in the MUMPS@k
    solver. The difference in minor but may result in
    slower dEf convergence.
    Cleaned up all phase calculations, now they are
    all based on dot_product(k, sc_off) which is easier
    to comprehend.
    Cleaned up MUMPS scattering matrix calculation. It is
    easier to understand now.
    For the self-energy calculations we now rely on Siesta
    to provide a Hermitian matrix. I.e. we do not calculate
    H = (H + H^A) / 2. Generally Siesta behaves very well and
    we should trust this. This may introduce slight noises
    in the calculations. We could, if large noises occur make
    this feature optional. Secondly, the transfer matrix
    is not symmetrized, so one could argue that this needs to
    be done in any case.
    For Hk we also remove this symmetrization and shift the
    Fermi-level in one go. This removes a complete loop of
    the sparse matrix elements in Hk.
    ts_dq calculations now have more is_nan checks and also
    prints out the charge accummulated at Ef.
    The interpolation from the file also tries to decide
    whether the change in Ef co-incides with the sign of dq.
    If not the file interpolation will be turned off for
    that iteration. Generally a tight dq tolerance requires
    a smaller TS.dQ.Factor.
    All phase changes have been applied to the tbtrans code.
    This also encouraged a small clean-up in the orb_current
    calculation, merged some if-statements.
    I ran all BTD, LAPACK and MUMPS calculations
    for gamma and k-points. All give the same results.