Scilab closes unexpectedly when running demos on version 5.3.0_beta3 and 5.2.1,
Reported by Laurent Alebarde
-- Bug description --
Scilab closes unexpectedly when running demos on version 5.3.0_beta3 and 5.2.1, or when openning some toolbox in the ATOM Manager. It is always reproducible, but may require to not be the first demo ran.
It seems it deals with fortran (cf Text of the scilab
error message below). Here are my fortran packages :
[I] dev-lang/cfortran
Installed versions: 4.4-r2(14:56:58 20/09/2010)(-examples)
Description: Header file allowing to call Fortran routines from C
and C++
[I] sci-libs/lapack-reference
Installed versions: 3.1.1-r1(00:27:25 19/03/2010)(-debug -doc)
Description: FORTRAN reference implementation of LAPACK Linear
Algebra PACKage
[I] virtual/blas
Installed versions: 1.0(00:24:34 19/03/2010)
Description: Virtual for FORTRAN 77 BLAS implementation
[I] virtual/lapack
Installed versions: 3.1(14:51:37 20/09/2010)
Description: Virtual for Linear Algebra Package FORTRAN 77
(LAPACK) implementation
Other information :
Linux 2.6.30-tuxonice-r6 #8 SMP PREEMPT Sun May 2 19:34:43 CEST 2010 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
OS : Gentoo up to date.
Scilab build with help of
I have not tested all the demo. For ATOM, only the two listed above lead to a crash.
-- Scilab error message --
Several runs with different demo crash :
> At line 43 of file src/fortran/formatnumber.f
> Internal Error: printf is broken
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> At line 148 of file sci_gateway/fortran/intwrite.f
> Internal Error: printf is broken
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> At line 94 of file src/fortran/xerrwv.f
> Internal Error: printf is broken
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> At line 43 of file src/fortran/formatnumber.f
> Internal Error: printf is broken
-- How to reproduce the bug --
1) Run scilab in console.
2) Open the demo dialog.
3) Select one of the following demo :
- demo/Simulation/ODE'S/ODE 1D vestor field (just click to enter the demo, or if it is the first demo launched, when you click on the graphic)
- demo/Simulation/ODE'S/Chemical Process (stiif) then ok button
- demo/Graphiques/LaTeX/MathML/LaTeX with colored box (the other LaTeX/MAthML work fine.
- demo/Optimisation et Simulations/Genetic Algorithms/GA with Ising Problem (the other GA demo are working fine).
Or in the ATOM Manager, when I click on CUTEr or GROCER.