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- Finalized the Dissolve/Rematerialize Section
- Overhauled the internal Lighting System and got rid of the secondary Lighting System.
- Fixed Vertex Lighting NdL Shadows which didnt get properly calculated due to custom UV Shadow Ramp sampling complexity
- Adapted the Shadow Caster Shadows for the Rim Light Function
- Added a proper way to Lerp some functions between Indirect and Pixel Lights.
- Directional Shadow Caster Shadows now have a little NPR touch and accepting Normal Maps.
- Fixed a issue with the Flipbook Clamping the outer Pixel across the Mesh, this is now fixed thanks to Poiyomi !
- Added a new option to Outlines for Camera Clip Space scaling
- Changed the ESv2 Rendering Method from "World Position" to "Vertex World Position" which isnt dependant on the World Space per se anymore.
- Specular Highlights (internally) now grab the proper Shadow Ramp.

- Updated the Manual