*[My current tasks](https://gitlab.com/rverissimo/tasks/)
## About me
@@ -24,6 +26,8 @@ My name is Rayana Verissimo and I am a Senior Product Designer for [Release](htt
* As a designer, I believe I am responsible for the product as a whole. You will see me involved in many, many different fronts: from process to hands-on coding.
* My happy place is at the intersection of design and development.
You can read the full [Product Designer job description](https://about.gitlab.com/job-families/engineering/product-designer/#senior-product-designer), tools I use, and what success means for UX in our Handbook.
### Personal principles
1. Allow events to change you and your craft
@@ -33,26 +37,6 @@ My name is Rayana Verissimo and I am a Senior Product Designer for [Release](htt
1. Respect your own limitations
1. Remember to have fun
### What's keeping me busy
You can access my current to-do items in my [Tasks project](https://gitlab.com/rverissimo/tasks/tree/master).
### My role as a Designer
As a Senior Product designet at GitLab, it is my job to:
* Deeply understand the technology and features of the stage group to which you are assigned, and have working knowledge of the end-to-end GitLab product.
* Proactively identify strategic UX needs within your stage group, and engage other Product Designers within your stage group to help you create deliverables like journey maps, storyboards, competitive analyses, and personas.
* Proactively identify both small and large usability issues within your stage group, and help influence your Product Manager to prioritize them.
* Proactively identify user research needs, and conduct evaluative research with guidance from the UX Research team.
* Broadly communicate the results of UX activities within your stage group to the UX department, cross-functional partners within your stage group, and other interested GitLab team-members using clear language that simplifies complexity.
* Mentor other members of the UX department, both inside and outside of your stage group.
* Actively contribute to the Pajamas Design System.
* Engage in social media efforts, including writing blog articles and responding on Twitter, as appropriate.
* Interview potential UX candidates.
You can read the full [Product Designer job description](https://about.gitlab.com/job-families/engineering/product-designer/#senior-product-designer), tools I use, and what success means for UX in our Handbook.
## Relationships
I take pride in the relationships I build at work. I aim to have an authentic, open, trusting relationship with you. I will not lie to you about how I feel, or what is going on inside my head. I will work towards building a sense of companionship, so please reach out if you want to chat!
@@ -102,7 +86,7 @@ If you want or need to talk to me, and my schedule is not open, DM me on Slack a
***WhatsApp/text message:** I rather not to be contacted on WhatsApp/text message, unless it is an emergency. If you have to contact me, I am somewhat responsive, but incoming messages are not treated as priority during my day.
***Phone call:** I rather not to be contacted by phone, unless it is an emergency. I am also disinclined to call you outside of business hours.
## The end
## Footnotes
This document is new and still a WIP and I would love your feedback! Did you find the time you spent reading this valuable? Was something critical missing? Feel free to go ahead and submit an MR to this document.