Hi! 👋 I created this personal README to help you get to know a little bit more about me, how I think, and how I work.
Hi! 👋 My name is Rayana Verissimo and I'm a Staff Product Designer, working with the [Release Management](https://about.gitlab.com/direction/release/) team at GitLab. I created this README to serve anyone that works directly with me at GitLab to know a little bit more about me, how I think, and how I work.
This README is intended to serve anyone that works directly with me at GitLab. This is not meant to be a static file, and its contents will change as I learn how to navigate through life at GitLab. I hope it can help us start having a conversation and build a great relationship together.
*[🦊 My GitLab Handle](https://gitlab.com/rayana/)
*[🏀 Team Page](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/#imrayana)
*[🦊 My GitLab handle](https://gitlab.com/rayana/)
*[🏀 Team page](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/#imrayana)
*[🎯 My OKRs](https://gitlab.com/rayana/tasks/blob/master/OKR.md)
*[💻 My current tasks](https://gitlab.com/rayana/tasks/)
My name is Rayana Verissimo and I'm a Senior Product Designer for [Release Management](https://about.gitlab.com/direction/release/) at GitLab.
* I live in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, with my boyfriend and our cat [Panqueca](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team-pets/#14-panqueca). My timezone is [CET](https://time.is/CET).
* I was born and raised in [Recife, Brazil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recife). I have been living abroad since 2015.
* I have always been a designer. I studied Graphic Design and have been working with the web for over 10 years. I am an all-round designer, but my strength lies in UI Engineering: I enjoy building things. For a full background, you can check out my [LinkedIn profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rayanaverissimo/).
* Prior to GitLab, I helped shape the design culture and led the Design Systems team at [Backbase](http://backbase.com). Before that, I spent around 2 years building [Apple's](https://www.apple.com/) very first web application style guide.
* I believe in [collaboration](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/values/#collaboration) and [transparency](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/values/#transparency) above all.
* As a designer, I am responsible for the product as a whole. You will see me involved in many, many different fronts: from process to hands-on coding.
* I do not ask for permission. I turn ideas into actionable items, and I will make sure you are involved.
* I prototype low-fidelity first. You will not see me delivering pixel-perfect visuals until they are required in the development process. I prefer to gather ideas and work on them in words before delivering any "designs".
* I have always been a designer.
* I studied Graphic Design and have been working with the web for over 10 years. I am an all-round designer, but my strength lies in UI Engineering: I enjoy building things. For a full background, you can check out my [LinkedIn profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/rayanaverissimo/).
* Prior to GitLab, I helped shape the design culture and led the Design Systems team at [Backbase](http://backbase.com). Before that, I spent around 2 years building [Apple's](https://www.apple.com/) very first web application style guide.
* As a designer, I am responsible for the product as a whole. You will see me involved in many, many different fronts: from process to hands-on coding.
* I prototype low-fidelity first. You will not see me delivering pixel-perfect visuals until they are required in the development process. I prefer to gather ideas and work on them in words before delivering any "designs".
You can read the full [Senior Product Designer job description](https://about.gitlab.com/job-families/engineering/product-designer/#senior-product-designer), tools I use, and what success means for UX in our Handbook.
### Personal principles
1. Allow events to change you and your craft.
1. Design for outcome.
1. Tell the real story.
1. Failure is inevitable.
1. Respect your own limitations.
1. Remember to have fun.
## My strengths (and weaknesses)
WIP :)
You can read the full [Staff Product Designer job description](https://about.gitlab.com/job-families/engineering/product-designer/#staff-product-designer), tools I use, and what success means for UX in our Handbook.
## Logistics
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### How to reach me
***Slack:** DM or mention is probrably the best way to reach me during the day. I will always have Slack open during business hours. I avoid checking Slack on my personal phone, so I will respond once I am back to the computer.
***GitLab:** Please @ me directly in comments so I see your message. I use email for my GitLab to-dos.
***E-mail:** I read my emails multiple times a day. You should not feel obligated to read or respond to any of emails you receive from me outside of your normal hours.
***Slack:** DM or mention is probrably the best way to reach me during the day. I will always have Slack open during business hours. I avoid checking Slack on my personal phone, so I will respond once I am back to the computer.
***Text message/WhatsApp, phone call:** I rather not to be contacted on text message/WhatsApp or phone call, unless it is an emergency.
### Scheduling
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You will let me know if I am blocking you. One of my main responsibilities is ensuring that we are set up for success. Please reach out and let me know how I can help.
## Personal principles
1. Allow events to change you and your craft.
1. Design for outcome.
1. Tell the real story.
1. Failure is inevitable.
1. Respect your own limitations.
1. Remember to have fun.
## My strengths and weaknesses
* I can think about things from an engineer's mindset.
* All those years working as a visual designer gave me a _pixel-perfect_ eyesight. It's both a blessing and a curse.
* I am strong with program planning and documentation.
* I **love** taking notes during meetings.
* I have a strong sense of ownership. Related to that, I do not like inefficiency and will look for any way to improve that.
### weaknesses
* I am not a morning person and I'm useless before 10 am.
* I value stability and predictablity - I hate feeling uncomfortable. Sometimes I can react negatively to change but I do my best to embrace it and keep a positive mindset. I recgonize that growing means feeling uncomfortable.
* English is not my native language which can affect how I verbally express myself. I experience a lot of non-linear thinking in a mixture of Portuguese and English, which reflects in my choice of words or sentence structure.
## Footnotes
This document is new and still a WIP and I would love your feedback! Did you find the time you spent reading this valuable? Was something critical missing? Feel free to go ahead and submit an MR to this document.
This is not meant to be a static file, and its contents will change as I learn how to navigate through life at GitLab. I would love your feedback! Did you find the time you spent reading this valuable? Was something critical missing? Feel free to go ahead and submit an MR to this document.
If you see me not living up to anything included please let me know 😉. It is possible that I have changed my mind, or that I am just dropping the ball. Either way, get in touch!