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Commit 2e0f386a authored by Rayana Verissimo's avatar Rayana Verissimo :crystal_ball:
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......@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ This README intends to help anyone that works directly with me at GitLab to know
* My name is Rayana Verissimo and I'm the [Product Design Manager]( for the CI/CD team at GitLab. Prior to this, I was the Staff Product Designer for the Testing and Runner teams, and Senior Product Designer for the now defunct Release Management team.
* I was born and raised in [Recife, Brazil 🇧🇷](, and I currently live in [Amsterdam, The Netherlands 🇳🇱]( with my partner and our cat [Panqueca](
* I have a BTech in Graphic Design and I have been working with the web for over 10 years. I am an all-rounded designer that can work from validation of a business problem to the hands-on implementation of an interface. I enjoy building things 🤓.
* Prior to GitLab, I was an UI Engineer building Apple's very first web application style guide. That experience shaped me into the person and professional I am today.
* For a full background, you can check out my [LinkedIn profile](
* I believe in [collaboration]( and [transparency]( above all.
......@@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ This README intends to help anyone that works directly with me at GitLab to know
* I value stability and predictablity - I hate feeling uncomfortable. Sometimes I can react negatively to change but I do my best to embrace it and keep a positive mindset. I recognize that growing means feeling uncomfortable.
* English is not my native language which can affect how I verbally express myself. I experience a lot of non-linear thinking in a mixture of Portuguese and English, which reflects in my choice of words or sentence structure. In other words, I think as I speak.
* I have always been a designer. Altought I am extremely fulfilled, I'd still like to experiment with a different career in the future.
* Prior to GitLab, I was an UI Engineer building Apple's very first web application style guide. That experience shaped me into the person and professional I am today.
* All those years working as a visual designer gave me a _pixel-perfect_ eyesight. It's both a blessing and a curse.
* As designer, I am responsible for the product as a whole. You will see me involved in many, many different fronts: from process to hands-on coding.
* I prototype low-fidelity first. You will not see me delivering pixel-perfect visuals until they are required in the development process. I prefer to gather ideas and work on them in words before delivering any "designs".
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