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v2.1.0 contains too many changes to list them all, but here's a basic overview.

Features / Improvements:

- OpenStack: Update release to 2023.2
- OpenStack: Implement DNSaaS
- OpenStack: Implement object storage
- OpenStack: Improve bare metal block storage provisioning
- Prod: Drop static IPs and use DNS instead
- Prod: Remove cloudflared
- K8s: Update cluster to v1.26.8
- K8s: Implement Postgres backups to Google Cloud Storage bucket
- K8s: Implement volume backups to Google Cloud Storage bucket
- K8s: Implement external-dns

Bug Fixes:

- OpenStack: Fixed load balancers breaking after reboot
- OpenStack: Fixed minor issues with Ansible roles
- Prod: Fixed some minor issues
- K8s: Too many fixes to list