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  • Matej Feder's avatar
    The following hooks were added: · 56cf11bd
    Matej Feder authored and Hannes Baum's avatar Hannes Baum committed
    - fix-byte-order-marker (removes utf-8 byte order marker)
    - end-of-file-fixer (ensures that a file is either empty, or ends with one newline)
    - check-added-large-files (prevents giant files from being committed)
    - forbid-tabs (forbid files containing tabs to be committed)
    The version of following hooks were bumped:
    - flake8 v2.2.3 -> flake8 v4.0.1
    The language version of black formatter was changed from python3.6 to python3.
    - Krake requires python>=3.6, therefore the version python3.6 cannot be