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Fixes frequency definitions behavior in the ZHinst hardware mapping.

Kelvin Loh requested to merge zhinst_add_clock_frequency into develop

Explanation of changes

The original implementation in the Zhinst backend was incorrectly assuming LO frequency being fixed throughout the experiment. This makes the changes to the RF frequency being useless and consequently, causing spectroscopy measurements to fail.

Motivation of changes

The correct way should be to separate cases where either one of the variables (RF, LO or IF frequencies) need to be derived, depending on the relation [RF = LO + IF]. The changes are being made into this MR for the ZHinst backend.

Merge checklist

See also merge request guidelines

  • Merge request has been reviewed and approved by a project maintainer.
  • Merge request contains a clear description of the proposed changes and the issue it addresses.
  • Merge request made onto appropriate branch (develop for most MRs).
  • New code is fully tested.
  • New code is documented and docstrings use numpydoc format.
  • CHANGELOG.rst and AUTHORS.rst have been updated (when applicable).
  • CI pipelines pass
    • black code-formatting passes (gitlab-ci),
    • test suite passes (gitlab-ci),
    • no degradation in code-coverage (codacy),
    • no (serious) new pylint code quality issues introduced (codacy),
    • documentation builds successfully (CI and readthedocs),
    • windows tests pass (manually triggered by maintainers before merging).

For reference, the issues workflow is described in the contribution guidelines.

Edited by Kelvin Loh

Merge request reports
