v2.2.01dbcd2c7 · ·
NEW FEATURES - the method plotDoseResponse replaces the plot.survData and plot.reproData when the argument target.time was set. Now the response is expressed in survival rate or in number of offspring per individual-days. - the calcul of the mean fitted curve of 'plot.reproFitTT' and 'plot.survFitTT' is the same of the 95 % Credible limits. - the ci arg in 'plot.reproFitTT' and 'plot.survFitTT' was suppressed and the credible limites was allways plotted. - added a new argument 'adddata' in 'plot.reproFitTT' and 'plot.survFitTT' to draw the datas with theyre confidence interval. - add a new argument 'spaghetti' in 'plot.reproFitTT' and 'plot.survFitTT' to draw the credible interval as multiple curves.