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This is the first release candidate for pyspread 2.0.

Unit tests coverage has been improved.
Documentation has been improved.
Several bugs have been fixed.

 * Mandatory: Python (≥ 3.6), numpy (>=1.1), PyQt5 (≥ 5.10, requires PyQt5.Svg), setuptools (>=40.0), markdown2 (>= 2.3)
 * Recommended: matplotlib (>=1.1.1), pyenchant (>=1.1), pip (>=18), python-dateutil (>= 2.7.0)
 * For building the apidocs with Sphinx see apidocs/requirements.txt

New functionality:
 * CSV import speedup
 * Replace all now works faster
 * Macro execution no longer empties frozen cell cache
 * Traceback hook prevents pyspread from crashing under various circumstances