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Beta 4 of "Prot's Dots For Debian" (PDFD)

This release contains minor refinements compared to beta 3.  The most
noticeable ones pertain to the review of the `melonpanel` code.  Its mpd
module has been removed.  Its bspwm module has been simplified further.

This is the complete list of commits:

~/dotfiles $ git log v1.0.0-pdfd_beta3..HEAD --oneline
fc36ccb (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Update key chords'
4c2cccb Update vim listchars for less "noise". Minor spacing tweaks.
7b40d0f Code refinements to melonpanel
4328c02 BREAKING CHANGE: Remove mpd module from melonpanel
a665831 Add bash alias for git add --patch
e099a81 Tweak melonpanel's bspwm indicators
ef92347 Minor corrections to melonpanel