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Release v3.0

New features

* PRoot can now use the kernel feature named "seccomp-filter", a.k.a
  "seccomp mode 2", to improve its own performance significantly.  For
  examples, the tables below show the time overhead induced by PRoot
  compared to a native execution:

  - when generating the Perl 5.16.1 package:

    ===============  ===========  ==========
    command          seccomp off  seccomp on
    ===============  ===========  ==========
    ./configure.gnu          75%         25%
    make -j4                 70%         45%
    make -j4 check           25%          9%
    ===============  ===========  ==========

  - when generating the Coreutils 8.19 package:

    ===============  ===========  ==========
    command          seccomp off  seccomp on
    ===============  ===========  ==========
    ./configure              80%         33%
    make -j4                 75%         33%
    make -j4 check           80%          8%
    ===============  ===========  ==========

* It is now possible to explicitly not dereference the guest location
  of a binding by specifying ``!`` as the first character.  For

      proot -b /bin/bash:!/bin/sh

  will not overlay ``/bin/dash`` when this latter is pointed to by
  ``/bin/sh`` (it's typically the case on Ubuntu and Debian).


* The initial command is not search in $PATH anymore when it starts
  with ``/`` or ``./``, and it doesn't exist.  For instance::

      $ rm test
      $ proot ./test
      proot warning: './test not found (root = /, cwd = /usr/local/cedric/git/proot)
      proot error: see `proot --help` or `man proot`.


Many thanks to Will Drewry and Indan Zupancic, who made possible to
accelerate PTRACE_SYSCALL with seccomp-filter.  Also, thanks to Paul
Moore for his valuable set of seccomp tools.


* Unlike what I said, this release is not shipped with a ptrace
  emulator.  It's planned for the next one, though.

* Seccomp-filter was first introduced in Linux 3.5 a year ago, it was
  also officially back-ported to Ubuntu 12.04 (Linux 3.2).  To know if
  PRoot is actually using this accelerator on your system, check the
  verbose output.  For intance::

    $ proot -v 1 true
    proot info: ptrace acceleration (seccomp mode 2) enabled

  But first, be sure it was built with this support::

    $ proot -V
    built-in accelerators: process_vm = yes, seccomp_filter = yes