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Release v2.3.1

New feature

* The "fake id0" feature was improved by Rémi Duraffort in order to
  support privileged write operations in read-only files/directories.
  Some package managers (Fedora, Debian, ...) relies on this special

      # ls -ld /usr/lib
      dr-xr-xr-x 22 root root 40960 Jan  2 11:19 /usr/lib/
      # install -v /usr/lib/
      removed ‘/usr/lib/‘
      ‘‘ -> ‘/usr/lib/‘


* Fix bindings to a guest path that contains a symbolic link.  For
  example when the given guest path ``/var/run/dbus`` is a symbolic
  link to ``/run/dbus``.

* Fix a memory corruption when accessing files in "/proc/self/"

Special thanks to Rémi Duraffort for the improved "fake id0" feature
and for the bug reports.