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  • Michael Brown's avatar
    [linux] Use host glibc system call wrappers · f309d7a7
    Michael Brown authored
    When building as a Linux userspace application, iPXE currently
    implements its own system calls to the host kernel rather than relying
    on the host's C library.  The output binary is statically linked and
    has no external dependencies.
    This matches the general philosophy of other platforms on which iPXE
    runs, since there are no external libraries available on either BIOS
    or UEFI bare metal.  However, it would be useful for the Linux
    userspace application to be able to link against host libraries such
    as libslirp.
    Modify the build process to perform a two-stage link: first picking
    out the requested objects in the usual way from blib.a but with
    relocations left present, then linking again with a helper object to
    create a standard hosted application.  The helper object provides the
    standard main() entry point and wrappers for the Linux system calls
    required by the iPXE Linux drivers and interface code.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMichael Brown <>