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  • Jonathan Peppers's avatar
    Bump to dotnet/installer/main@d5520378 8.0.200-alpha.1.22511.1 (#7451) · 5b7c5bff
    Jonathan Peppers authored
    Build and run under .NET 8!
    .NET 8 is used by default for the default build.
    Running unit tests also requires installing .NET 6 and .NET 7 as well.
    Configure dotnet6 + dotnet7 + dotnet8 NuGet feeds.
    Run `darc update-dependencies --id 152596` to update the
    dotnet/installer version in `eng/Version.Details.xml`.
    (ID values come from [Maestro][0].)
    Update `AutoImport.props` to only evaluate default android items
    in .NET 8.
    Update `$(DotNetTargetFrameworkVersion)` to 8.0, and
    `$(DotNetStableTargetFramework)` to `net7.0`.  (Technically .NET 7
    isn't stable *yet*, but it will be soon enough…)
    Update `*.apkdesc` files so that unit tests pass.
    Update `PackagingTest.CheckIncludedAssemblies()` test to remove
    assemblies which are no longer included in .NET 8-based apps.
    Update `use-dot-net.yaml` to take a new `quality` parameter, and
    install .NET Core 3.1 quality=GA, not 3.1.417 specifically.
    Avoids the error:
    	dotnet-install: Failed to locate the latest version in the channel '3.1.417' with 'preview' quality for 'dotnet-sdk', os: 'win', architecture: 'x64'.
    Update `src/Mono.Android.Export` to pass
    `MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public` to the
    `DynamicMethod` constructor, not just `MethodAttributes.Static`.
    This avoids a `NotSupportedException` under .NET 8;
    see also dotnet/runtime@e4652303 and dotnet/runtime#77273:
    	System.NotSupportedException: Wrong MethodAttributes or CallingConventions for DynamicMethod. Only public, static, standard supported
    	   at System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.CheckConsistency(MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention)
    	   at System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.Init(String name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] signature, Type owner, Module m, Boolean skipVisibility, Boolean transparentMethod)
    	   at System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod..ctor(String name, MethodAttributes attributes, CallingConventions callingConvention, Type returnType, Type[] parameterTypes, Module m, Boolean skipVisibility)
    	   at Java.Interop.DynamicCallbackCodeGenerator.GenerateNativeCallbackDelegate()
    	   at Java.Interop.DynamicCallbackCodeGenerator.GetCallback()
    	   at Java.Interop.DynamicCallbackCodeGenerator.Create(MethodInfo method)
    	   at System.Reflection.MethodInvoker.InterpretedInvoke(Object obj, Span`1 args, BindingFlags invokeAttr)
    Update `XASdkTests.DotNetPublish()` for .NET 8.  With 745214de
    we asserted that builds using the *non-* latest target framework
    would use a `Mono.Android.dll` reference assembly *from the build*,
    not from an existing published/NuGet-provided `Microsoft.Android.Ref`
    package.  This started failing because
    `$(TargetFramework)`=net7.0-android is no longer the latest framework
    and thus *should* be using published packages, not in-tree bits:
    	Build should be using C:\a_work\1\s\xamarin-android\bin\Release\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.Android.Ref.33\\ref\net7.0\Mono.Android.dll
    	Expected: True
    	But was:  False
    Update the test to instead make this assertion only for the latest
    target framework (`net8.0-android`), skipping .NET 7.
    Remove an assertion of no build warnings under `net7.0`; this isn't
    currently possible, due to dotnet/runtime#77385.
    Update the `Microsoft.NETCore.App.Runtime.AOT.Cross` SDK package names
    when `$(AotAssemblies)`=True; the names do not (yet?) include the
    .NET version in the package names.
    When installing multiple .NET SDKs into a single folder with the
    `dotnet-install.{.sh,ps1}` script -- needed to run the unit tests --
    you can hit an issue where `dotnet` no longer runs:
    	dotnet --info
    	Exited with code: 137
    The problem is that the `dotnet` binary can get overwritten by an
    older .NET, and be completely broken.
    The solution is:
     1. Install the newest .NET first, followed by any older versions
     2. Use `dotnet-install.ps1 -SkipNonVersionedFiles` or
        ` --skip-non-versioned-files` so the `dotnet`
        binary isn't overwritten
    This results in the newest .NET SDK, with side-by-side older .NET SDKs
    installed as well.
    Rename `tests/api-compatibility/acceptable-breakages-vReference-net7.0.txt`
    to use `-net8.0`, as the default `$(TargetFramework)` for
    `Mono.Android.dll` changed.