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  • Peter Collins's avatar
    [build] Stop producing Xamarin.Android.Cecil.dll (#8489) · 8f338230
    Peter Collins authored
    `Xamarin.Android.Cecil.dll` was created to avoid potential conflicts
    and versioning issues with the copy of Cecil that Xamarin Studio was
    using at the time; from April 2013:
    > The issue is that when Xamarin Studio builds MSBuild-based
    > projects, it does so through an intermediary
    > `MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild.exe` process, which is
    > responsible for using the `Microsoft.Build.*` assemblies to
    > actually build the project.
    > The problem is that the directory containing
    > `MonoDevelop.Projects.Formats.MSBuild.exe` --
    > `/Applications/Xamarin`
    > -- contains its own copy of `Mono.Cecil.dll`, and _that_ is the
    > version that was used!
    > Meaning that in order to fix a Xamarin.Android bug, we would need
    > an updated Xamarin Studio release.
    Considering our migration to .NET, and how infrequently we change our
    `Mono.Cecil` reference these days, these potential issues are likely
    no longer a concern.
    Our unique `Xamarin.Android.Cecil.dll` copy has been removed in favor
    of `Mono.Cecil` package references in all projects that depend on it.