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oneplus-lemonadep: new device, updates to *-oneplus-lemonade, updates to *-qcom-sm8350

Nia Espera requested to merge sm8350-mainline/pmaports:master into master

Adds oneplus-lemonadep, changes oneplus-lemonade to use v1 bootimg for simplifying the build process, adds more firmware bits to firmware-oneplus-lemonade, and updates the qcom-sm8350 kernel and soc packages for more functionality enablement.

Features on oneplus-lemonadep:

  • USB incl. OTG
  • Simplefb display
  • WiFi not fully tested but seems mostly working
  • Battery incl. charging
  • Bluetooth
  • Mobile data, calls, SMS blocked by a bug likely in userspace but otherwise working also

Merge request reports
