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samsung-v1awifi: new device

First of all a huge thank you to @Grimler for helping me with this port.

I can boot into XFCE. I'll be adding wiki page information and some notes later.

  • Get WiFi working.

Observations I made along the way:

  • Booting is extremely slow. It stays in the Samsung splash screen for a minute and a half and then starts booting pmOS. However, if I connect the charger when the tablet is powered off, it displays the charging icon as usual, and then starts booting pmOS immediately.
  • Sometimes the screen goes black for a split second and then it returns to normal.
  • I cannot boot into weston somehow. Seems that the interface does not work here. It seems common between other devices that share the same kernel.
  • I need to create a file called /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config with the line needs_root_rights=yes to get X working.
  • The tablet freezes when I poweroff the device or rebooting the device (from terminal and from XFCE UI).
  • After a couple of minutes, the tablet is frozen entirely.
  • SSH does not work. If I do sudo service sshd status, system tells me that SSH is currently loaded and functioning. However, it does not seem to work from USB ( nor from WiFi.
  • I see slightly wrong colors on images.

Booting with MATE makes some differences:

  • The UI does not freeze after a couple of minutes.
  • I can reboot/shutdown the device (only via UI).
Edited by Antoni Aloy Torrens

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