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* Improved: Dragged tabs in vertical tab bar are now animated (on Firefox 17 beta and later.)
 * Improved: Update indent of tabs automatically when too deeply nested tabs are collapsed/expanded and the mouse cursor goes away from the operated tab. This behavior can be disabled by the secret preference "extensions.treestyletab.indent.autoShrink.onlyForVisible".
 * Fixed: Update indent of tabs automatically when tab groups are modified or switched.
 * Improved: Different indent of tabs can be applied for horizontal and vertical tab bar.
 * Improved: The default size of the tab bar (it is used to reset the tab bar when the splitter is double-clicked) is now customizable by secret preferences "extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.width.default", "extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.height.default" and "extensions.treestyletab.tabbar.shrunkenWidth.default".
 * Fixed: Drop position markers in vertical tab bar were accidentaly disappeared while dragging.
 * Fixed: Don't duplicate the current tab accidentaly when simple left click on the reload button.
 * Improved: Duplicate tabs as children of the current tab, from items of back/forward button's menu.
 * Fixed: Don't hide closeboxes of other tabs when toolbars are shown/hidden.
 * Fixed: Animation effects of tabs were accidentaly stopped when there were multiple windows.
 * Improved: Refactor internal codes.