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  • Lou Montalvo's avatar
    Change how repeat key presses are handled and update · 7feca1f1
    Lou Montalvo authored
     * Fixed console::internal::handle_input() so it only processes non-repeat key
       press events
     * Fixed Instance::move_wrap() so it actually works
       ! Now it also works with negative margins
     * Changed the engine event loop so that internal::handle_sdl_events() only
       handles keyboard events that are presses or releases, not repeats
       ! Repeats are now handled by kb::internal::handle_repeats() which is called
         after handle_sdl_events() in conjunction with kb::internal::handle_input()
         which keeps track of which keys are pressed
     * Changed kb::append_input() to allow passing nullptr as the output string
     * Changed PhysicsBody::get_inertia() to not call
       btCollisionShape::calculateLocalInertia() when the shape type is
       E_PHYS_SHAPE::NONE since it segfaults on Windows
     * Changed the bind() console command Python binding to return an error if no
       bind with the given name exists
     * Fixed the bee.Room().add_instance() Python binding to allow setting the
       Instance name
     * Fixed console drawing when the engine is in 3D mode
     * Implemented key repeat handling for ObjUITextEntry
     * Updated build.bat to use %executable% instead of the game vars
     * Updated to parse config.json for naming the output file
     + Added generation to so that the executable can be ran
       easily even if it's interpreted as a shared library
     * Changed dynamic library packaging back to using ldd
     * Changed cpython packaging to only copy ./lib/cpython/Lib/
     * Changed the tar output checkpoint in to be slower