problem with SDP
Issue summary
The code below solves the SDP correctly in some cases. On some problems we are seeing large discrepancies between CVXPY and CVX (called from matlab). We have good reasons to believe the matlab code. Do you have any suggestions?
Reproduce the problem
First we import and load some test cases
import picos as pic
import cvxopt
# Download pickle here:
import pickle
with open('sdp_data.pickle', 'rb') as f:
data = pickle.load(f)
# load problems and matlab solutions as a list of np.arrays
input_matrix = [data.get('C1'), data.get('C2'), data.get('C3')]
matlab_cvx_answer = [data.get('X1'), data.get('X2'), data.get('X3')]
p_dim = data.get('pdim')
c_dim = data.get('cdim')
Now use a function to define the SDP
def picos_sdp(Cin: Union[np.ndarray, sps.csr_matrix], phdim: int, codim:int):
# params
C = cvxopt.matrix(Cin)
Id = cvxopt.matrix(np.eye(phdim))
Id = pic.new_param('Id', Id)
C = pic.new_param('C', C)
#create the problem in picos
F = pic.Problem()
X = F.add_variable('X',(Cin.shape[0], Cin.shape[0]),'hermitian')
# Form objective
F.set_objective('max', (pic.trace(X*C)).real)
F.add_constraint( X >> 0 )
F.add_constraint(pic.partial_trace(X, k=1, dim=[phdim, codim])==Id)
F.solve(verbose = 0, maxit=200000)
return X, F
Loop over inputs and compare solution to matlab's solution
# Loop over three problems and compare picos to cvx
for C, Xmatlab, pdim, cdim in zip(input_matrix, matlab_cvx_answer, p_dim, c_dim):
# solve the SDP
X, prob = picos_sdp(C.toarray(), pdim, cdim)
# see how close
print('allclose', np.allclose(X.value, Xmatlab, atol=1e-07))
print('max(abs(R-Rans))',np.max(np.abs(X.value - Xmatlab)))
optimization problem (Complex SDP):
300 variables, 4 affine constraints, 300 vars in 1 SD cones
X : (24, 24), hermitian
maximize 0.5·(trace(X·C) + trace(X·C).conj)
such that
X ≽ 0
trace_1(X) = Id
allclose False
max(abs(R-Rans)) 0.5000000000296454
optimization problem (Complex SDP):
300 variables, 4 affine constraints, 300 vars in 1 SD cones
X : (24, 24), hermitian
maximize 0.5·(trace(X·C) + trace(X·C).conj)
such that
X ≽ 0
trace_1(X) = Id
allclose False
max(abs(R-Rans)) 0.9988953132710172
optimization problem (Complex SDP):
1081 variables, 4 affine constraints, 1081 vars in 1 SD cones
X : (46, 46), hermitian
maximize 0.5·(trace(X·C) + trace(X·C).conj)
such that
X ≽ 0
trace_1(X) = Id
allclose False
max(abs(R-Rans)) 0.9814188021784475
Version information
from platform import python_version
print('Numpy:', np.version.version)
print('version: ', cvxopt.sys.version)
Python: 3.7.3
Numpy: 1.16.5
sys.version_info(major=3, minor=7, micro=3, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
version: 3.7.3 (default, Mar 27 2019, 16:54:48)
[Clang 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)]