Monetization model for Ethelia (PM2.5 project)
Monetization model
Attract PM2.5 public data providers
- On register new user get address both for local auth node and Sepolia node;
- On send PM2.5 value user get some bonus to Sepolia address;
give Sepolia address balance in Eth and USD.
So we show with that example on Sepolia test network — how PM2.5 data providers can earn money. Also it's good to add command like /income
— to show monthly income forecast and current income summary.
Project's fee/interest
All collected PM2.5 data is public, so we can not sell it. For now looks like auth in admin panel (obtain token) should cost something. We offer free Telegram access, but admin is non-free (and API as well). So on every access to admin we charge Sepolia account (the same fee as local node charges or some flat fee).
The other ways to earn money (as it seems right now):
- Subscription to store or fetch data via API (monthly plan, pay-per-auth or pay-per-transaction);
- separate subscription to fetch historical data (pay-per-request);
- separate subscription to permanent tokens (read, write);
- Private data storing: raw data is encrypted and is not shown on public map
- data is available on private map after successful auth;
- store any data — regular subscription allow only PM2.5 data storing (JSON request validation).
- Add locations/tags to map (advertisement):
- customize geomarkers (add «trusted»
⭐ , cup🏆 , etc...); - diff external locations: cafes, shops, etc...;
- mark areas with average pollution value (like district area, park area or unofficial area — gold square in Bishkek);
- customize geomarkers (add «trusted»
Still there's no killer feature to be paid (like «mining» as the attraction approach).
Edited by Konstantin Narkhov