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  • Junio C Hamano's avatar
    Merge branch 'jc/ignore-epipe-in-filter' · ddaf4e2e
    Junio C Hamano authored
    Filter scripts were run with SIGPIPE disabled on the Git side,
    expecting that they may not read what Git feeds them to filter.
    We however treated a filter that does not read its input fully
    before exiting as an error.
    This changes semantics, but arguably in a good way.  If a filter
    can produce its output without consuming its input using whatever
    magic, we now let it do so, instead of diagnosing it as a
    programming error.
    * jc/ignore-epipe-in-filter:
      filter_buffer_or_fd(): ignore EPIPE
      copy.c: make copy_fd() report its status silently