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  • Jeff King's avatar
    t5615: avoid re-using descriptor 4 · 9be795fb
    Jeff King authored and Junio C Hamano's avatar Junio C Hamano committed
    File descriptors 3 and 4 are special in our test suite, as
    they link back to the test script's original stdout and
    stderr. Normally this isn't something tests need to worry
    about: they are free to clobber these descriptors for
    sub-commands without affecting the overall script.
    But there's one very special thing about descriptor 4: since
     (test-lib: set BASH_XTRACEFD automatically,
    2016-05-11), we ask bash to output "set -x" output to it by
    number. This goes to _any_ descriptor 4, even if it no
    longer points to the place it did when we set BASH_XTRACEFD.
    But in t5615, we run a shell loop with descriptor 4
    redirected.  As a result, t5615 works with non-bash shells
    even with "-x". And it works with bash without "-x". But the
    combination of "bash -x" gets a test
    failure (because our "set -x" output pollutes one of the
    We can fix this by using any descriptor _except_ the magical
    4. So let's switch arbitrarily to using 5/6 in this loop,
    not 3/4.
    Another alternative is to use a different descriptor for
    BASH_XTRACEFD. But picking an unused one turns out to be
    hard. Most shells limit us to 9 numbered descriptors. Bash
    can handle more, but:
      - while the BASH_XTRACEFD is specific to bash, GIT_TRACE=4
        has a similar problem, and would affect all shells
      - constructs like "999>/dev/null" are synticatically
        invalid to non-bash shells. So we have to actually bury
        it inside an eval, which creates more complications.
    Of the numbers 1-9, you might think that "9" would be less
    used than "4". But it's not; many of our scripts use
    descriptors 8 and 9 (probably under the assumption that they
    are high and therefore unused). The least-used descriptor is
    currently "7". We could switch to that, but we're just
    trading one magic number for another.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJeff King <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJunio C Hamano <>