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Resolve "Fix checkmark box to be able to tab in login page"

Closes #200 (closed)

Login Page


On the login page, you can't tab to the checkbox and select it because we switched the checkbox logic into a separate component.


The checkbox logic was moved into a separate component, and there was no option in the component to import the tab index number. I added tabindex to the checkbox input in the app-checkbox component and created an option to import tabNumber as the tabindex number into the component


The login page had a link to reset password if you forgot it, but this will not be possible on mobile.


I removed the link to reset your account on the login page. Was this the link you wanted to remove?



The login component wasn't working in storybook, so I imported ServerSelectComponent, which is being used by the login page.


A component being used by login hadn't been imported into storybook


flyInOut wasn't working for change-password.


I imported BrowserAnimationsModule, and that's working now.

Edited by Emily Jensen

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