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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 034 Release: 034
  • 035
    PVR 035 is a new feature release that delivers goodness useful for the new Pantavisor 018 release.
    Major highlights are:
    * pvr add --raw mode allows to commit .json files that are not inlined, but stored as is as object
    * support pvr clone IP from just IP if device is having pvr-sdk cgi-bin/pvr endpoint at port 12368
    * pvr sig add automatically downloads pantavisor developer keys if non are available (can be disabled for bots)
    * pvr sig ls allows to export full JOSE token in JSON serialization including the payload field.
    * support new advanced PV_GROUP feature; use global groups.json as input to determine default if none is specified
    * add support for status_goal and restart_policy in src.json
    * add support for dm_enabled flag that will remember that a root.squashfs should be postprocessed with pvr dm-convert so dm-verity is used.
  • 036
    Release 036
    * pvr app ls: now lists also BSP
    * remember to run dm-apply if an app changes through app install or update
    * unmarshal and marshal integers in JSON as bigint to avoid floating point format
    * add support for pvr sig to print payload on failure
    * add PV_VOLUME_IMPORTS config for src.json which would mount volumes from media available through other containers
    * add support for pvr app update --patch and --base for incremental updates and shared resources across containers
  • 037 Release: 037
    Release 037
    * repolib: solve the issue uploading zero bytes files.
  • 038
    ### Feature
    * docker lib add support to oci manifest
    * **app add:** add args-json to setup src.json args and config as parameters to set src.json config key
    * **cmd:** add version command with go build version
    * **export:** make export builds reproducible by stardarize the timestamps and squashfs reproducibility
    * **repolib:** move merge state logic to library function
    * **self-upgrade:** self upgrade command always force update doesn't matter if installed_version have same digest
    * **statelib:** on patch/commit remove signed parts before add new ones
    * **steps:** move merge state logic to library function
    ### Fix
    * pvr status show multiple changes for same device.
    * pvr post --rev not working for non int strings
    * **app add:** app add need to add the app config to the src.json as the key config not docker_config
    * **ci:** change gitlab ci variables
    * **ci:** push to tag branch
    * **ci:** push to tag branch
    * **cmd:** import dm as submodule
    * **diff:** update json-patch to get right diffing and status
    * **dockerlib:** use correct sha256 cache file when if cloning for local (removing the repository name)
    * **jsonpatch:** update json-patch library to support big integer on json values
    * **statelib:** remove glob and regex printing
    * **statelib:** mark package as signed when signed parts are present
    * **statelib:** use jsondiff and patch to merge two json instead of jsonpatch
    * **statelib:** convert ** into .* even when doesn't start with /
    * **statelib:** don't remove spec and signature content when adding new signature
    * **statelib:** normal merge should only remove and add again the frags in the patch json or the src removal frags
    * **test:** removing signature doesn't delete all the parts of package only the signature
    ### Refactor
    * **cmd:** refactor commands structure to have submodules for subcommands