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  • Alexander (asac) Sack's avatar
    add support for using x509 cert chains using x5c jws header to determine trust in pvr signatures · 6de0935c
    Alexander (asac) Sack authored
    * introduce new --x5c argument pvr app sig command to provide the chain to include in pvr sig add and update commands
    * introduce --cacerts argument to pvr sig commands to allow to post a trust CACERTS file to use to validate in pvr app ls;
      using special value _system will use the system cert store to validate ca chain
    * pubkey validation now allows to have multiple trusted pubkeys in the file referenced by --pubkey
    * document this feature in
    Example 1: "add signature with trust ca chain"
    Below statement injects the myKey.crt as the trust chain into the jws.
    If you have intermediates your .crt file would need to include those
    also in reverse order.
    pvr sig --x5c ../ca/myKey.crt --key ../ca/myKey.key add --part nginx
    Example 2: "update signatures with trustchain"
    Below will refresh the nginx.json signature and attach myKey.crt as
    the trust ca cert chain to validate against root certificates
    pvr sig --x5c ../ca/myKey.crt --key ../ca/myKey.key update _sigs/nginx.json
    Example 3: "validate signatures with cert pool in file"
    Below you can see how to validate signature with ca cert pool in file myCA.pem.
    pvr sig --cacerts ../ca/myCA.pem ls --part _sigs/nginx.json
    Example 4: use system ca cert pool to validate signature
    For this you have to put your myCA.pem into one of the system folders for
    trusted certificates. e.g. /etc/ssl/certs
    pvr sig ls --part _sigs/nginx.json