Fixed ISSUE-51195: Ecommerce emails project contribution
Closed because project will finally not be contributed
This contributes the development done for Weldom related to e-commerce email sending automation.
Related MR:
For testing purposes, you can use the following request:
{ "messageId": "test1", "posTerminal": "VBS-1", "channel": "External", "data": [{ "currency": "EUR", "step": "all", "grossAmount": 24.9, "netAmount": 20.58, "businessPartner": "VBS/C0001", "lines": [{ "product": "WVG/S0011", "qty": 1, "grossAmount": 24.9, "netAmount": 20.58, "taxAmount": 4.32, "taxLines": { "Entregas IVA 21%": { "rate": 21, "netAmount": 20.58, "taxAmount": 4.32 } } }], "payments": [{ "paidAmount": 24.9, "date": "2015-11-16T08:48:51.524Z", "kind": "", "rate": "1", "isocode": "EUR" }], "taxes": { "Entregas IVA 21%": { "rate": 21, "netAmount": 20.58, "taxAmount": 4.32 } }, "email": true, "emailDocument": "Both", "emailAddress": "" }] }