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  • Víctor Martínez Romanos's avatar
    Related to ISSUE-46178: Code review improvements · 674e5f96
    Víctor Martínez Romanos authored
    Removed setFilterOnReadableOrganization(false) because it has no sense. Note that
    just after this, the flow gets the list of editable organizations using:
      Utility.getContext(conn, vars, "#User_Org", "LoginHandler")
    and it iterates over them (and their parent tree) to get the ledger configuration.
    The ledger configuration must be in a readable organization (either in an editable
    organization or in a parent editable/readable organization), so the filter by
    readable organization should be in.
    Note that ideally we should filter by the editable organizations and their parents,
    which is what later on is going to be used, however the purpose of this fix is to
    avoid performance penalty, so having a fast (although inaccurate query in some corner
    cases) is a good approach.
    Apart from that the method has been renamed to be more clear.