Source code for new blog post about automating creation of EKS clusters on VMs created by Firecracker. It's part II of the 202012-firecracker_cloud_image_automation post. Basically, add ansible code to automate installation and configuration of EKS (based on Ubuntu's snap-based EKS-D) on the created VMs. Interestingly, ansible hosts.yaml inventory file is generated dynamically by 05-install_eks_via_ansible.sh, which adds the hosts based on the configuration (file `variables`) as well as dynamic tokens, that are random 32-byte character strings required by EKS per host. Minor improvements to the VM creation: * unhardcoding VM CPU and RAM * parallel VM creation * fixed-length instance identifiers Signed-off-by:
Alvaro Hernandez <aht@ongres.com>
Source code for new blog post about automating creation of EKS clusters on VMs created by Firecracker. It's part II of the 202012-firecracker_cloud_image_automation post. Basically, add ansible code to automate installation and configuration of EKS (based on Ubuntu's snap-based EKS-D) on the created VMs. Interestingly, ansible hosts.yaml inventory file is generated dynamically by 05-install_eks_via_ansible.sh, which adds the hosts based on the configuration (file `variables`) as well as dynamic tokens, that are random 32-byte character strings required by EKS per host. Minor improvements to the VM creation: * unhardcoding VM CPU and RAM * parallel VM creation * fixed-length instance identifiers Signed-off-by:
Alvaro Hernandez <aht@ongres.com>