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  • Steven Brown's avatar
    Merges Marlin configuration updates from for the Ender 3 running the... · 3ef8b536
    Steven Brown authored
    Merges Marlin configuration updates from for the Ender 3 running the SKR 1.4 Turbo board and applies most of the firmware customisations added in the Hemera configuration available at: e33fb236
    Mesh editing menu now only appears when mesh, ABL bilinear or ABL UBL are enabled.
    Enabled Z Probe offset wizard.
    Adds 2 custom command menu entries:
    - Home and level bed.
    - Home and info.
    Compile environment changed from: LPC1768 to LPC1769 for the SKR 1.4 Turbo board: `BOARD_BTT_SKR_V1_4_TURBO`.
    Merges in changes from Marlin configuration additions.