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Custom fields

This new feature adds custom fields to profile (and backend support to add custom fields for other models). To create a new field, go to admin panel, then select "fields". The fields management page already exists to activate/deactivate optional fields, as following: fields_management

Now, there is a place to add custom fields to the tab selected in the image above, located on the bottom of the list.


When "New Field" button is pressed, the following pop up will appear:


There we can select the format of the field, the name and description, a default value, extras (for some formats like lists) and options to activate the field, make it mandatory, or place it on signup form. After that, the field will appear in the profile forms like the example below in edit Person form.


Since the field shown in the images above was created with "signup" checked, it'll also appear in the signup form:


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