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Stable docker configurations for linux

Luan Guimarães requested to merge luanguimaraesla/noosfero:compose into master

New docker-compose behavior

Now the configuration is setup to run two containers, one with postgres and the other with noosfero. There are two options, development and production mode.

  • Development:
docker-compose -f dev.yml up --build

This configuration synchronize noosfero local repository with the code into the container. You'll be able to edit the code outside the docker container.
You still able to use bash and other commands inside the container. After it is running, type the command:

docker-compose -f dev.yml exec noosfero bash

You can access the web interface at http://localhost:3000

  • Production:
docker-compose -f prod.yml up --build

Before you run this command be aware that there are default database credentials in the prod.yml file. So, for several security reasons the user should change it locally in both yml sections postgres and noosfero. Everything else is done automatically and the user will be able to access the production server at http://localhost

Broken symlinks

Some broken symlinks related on #300 (closed) were removed. It causes some failures when docker is trying to build the image of noosfero.

OSX configuration

Some OSX configurations for docker must be outdated now.

Merge request reports