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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.4.0 protected Release: 0.4.0
    - **docker**: update trusted CA certificates on start
    - **docker**: add trace output to determine install path for package
  • 0.3.0 protected Release: 0.3.0
    - **server**: DNS Reverse Lookup for IP Address'
    - **server**: Convert scanned time within scan report to UTC
    - **ci**: http user_agent version set during version bump
    - **server**: Time of last access for scan agent to use 'now'
  • 0.2.0 protected Release: 0.2.0
    - **server**: Update the time of last access for scan agent
    - **scanner**: Add scanner timezone to scan report
    - **scanner**: don't include PTR DNS records as hostname
    - **scanner**: for ssl cert validation when uploading to server
    - **scanner**: if an auth token has been set, fail non-https communication with server
    - **scanner**: Set user http user agent to <name>/<version>
    - **server**: scanner identity confirmation
  • 0.2.0-a2 protected Release: 0.2.0-a2
    - **server**: update subnet discovery date/time
    - **server**: move config of variables to vars file
    - **agent**: move config of variables to vars file
    - **server**: don't process scan results in parallel
  • 0.2.0-a1 protected Release: 0.2.0-a1
    - **server**: if hostname in scan report, update the database
    - **agent**: if hostname present in nmap scan report, add to report for server
    - **agent**: showsubnet address in logs when conducting subnet actions
    - **server**: show ip address in logs when updating an ip address
    - **api_call**: before returning check if cached file exists
    - **server**: use correct sql syntax to insert ipaddress
    - **agent**: only attempt to scan subnet if subnets were returned
    - **agent**: cater for api call that returns nothing
    - **docker**: ensure correct variable used to install package
    - **api_call**: use var name that makes more sense
    - **build**: ensure the correct tags and architectures are published
  • 0.1.2-a1 protected Release: 0.1.2-a1
    - **build**: ensure the correct tags and architectures are published
    - **ci**: use correct collection name
  • 0.1.1 protected Release: 0.1.1
    - **ci**: use correct collection name
    - **docker**: adjust scanner job to run every 5 mins
    - **docs**: add initial doc layout and CI jobs
    - **ci**: ensure docker publish uses correct tag
    - **ci**: ensure correct github sync repo is used
    - **ci**: ensure docker build and publish occurs
    - Don't process results if scan report is empty
    - **docs**: correct nav link
  • 0.1.0 protected
    - **docker**: adjust scanner job to run every 5 mins
    - **docs**: add initial doc layout and CI jobs
    - **docker**: container that launches server and scanner in one
    - **ci**: ensure docker publish uses correct tag
    - **ci**: ensure correct github sync repo is used
    - **ci**: ensure docker build and publish occurs
    - Don't process results if scan report is empty
    - **docs**: correct nav link
    - add missing collection dep 'ansible.utils'