This page is for listing third party patches for Mutt core code. QueryCommand scripts, 3rd party MuttTools and UserPages have their own places.
[Mutt 1.4/1.5] -- Derek Martin (ddm)
pgp-send-menu -- alternative PGP send menu
pgp-auto-decode -- automatically decode traditional PGP messages (1.5.8 has this ability)
[Mutt 1.2/1.3] -- Byrial Ole Jensen (bj)
noquote_hdr_term -- don't quote the header terminator when replying with headers
status-time -- include current time in status line
my_hdr_subject -- execute send-hooks before setting subject
hash_destroy -- speed up a little bit closing of mailboxes
[Mutt 1.4/1.5] -- Cedric Duval (cd)
trash_folder and purge_message -- move deleted messages to trash folder
my_list -- lists for patterns, hooks, mailboxes and subscribe/lists
signatures_menu -- menu to choose signatures
ifdef -- check for compile time features
pattern_broken -- match broken threads
source_multiple -- source multiple files at once
[Mutt 1.5] -- Aaron Schrab (ats)
date_conditional -- vary format of dates in the index based on how recent the message is
mark_old -- make mark_old a quad option
parent_match -- pattern matching against parent message
[Mutt 1.3/1.5] -- Nicolas Rachinsky (nr)
- crypt-autohook -- autosign/autoencrypt when recipient keys are available
[Mutt 1.3-1.4] -- Stefan Zehl (sec)
_A -- %A displays number of messages in pager_format
backlog -- add X-Current-Backlog: header to outgoing messages
keypad -- work around broken ncurses on FreeBSD 2.2.7
pager_status_on_top -- colored pager status on top/bottom
reverse_reply -- use realname from aliases in replies [see below for newer version]
mailcap-fix -- fix mailcap handling for mails containing only a non displayable attachment
pgp_shorten -- shorten PGP output length
previous_jump -- jump back to message last jumped from
[Mutt 0.91-1.5] -- Roland Rosenfeld (rr)
- compressed -- support for compressed/encrypted folders
[Mutt 1.1-1.5] -- Vsevolod Volkov (vvv)
compressed -- support for compressed/encrypted folders [use the patch from instead! -- Myon]
initials -- author initials in index_format
nntp -- NNTP/news folder support
quote -- finetune format of quoted text
slang -- alternate thread tree for linking with slang
[Mutt 1.4/1.5] -- Dale Woolridge (dw)
maildir-mtime -- sort maildirs by latest entry in new/ in folder brower
pgp-menu-traditional -- traditional PGP signatures in compose menu
confirm-crypt-hook -- allows you to skip the "Use keyID" prompt
multiple-crypt-hook -- multiple crypt-hooks with the same pattern, multiple keyIDs per pattern
crypt-autoselectkey -- autoselect key when only one available in "PGP keys" menu
mbox-hook -- printf-like sequences in mbox-hook mailbox argument
pgp-timeout -- increase timeout period for pgp_timeout
pgp-hook -- combines confirm-crypt-hook, multiple-crypt-hook, and crypt-autoselectkey
urlview-html -- make urlview produce HTML
[Mutt 1.4/1.5] -- David Champion (dgc)
krb -- fix MIT Kerberos 1.2.4 linking problems
xlabel-ext -- edit X-Label: headers (an alternative way without patching is in UserPages). [See also the xlabel branch on for a current version.]
unbind -- unbind key bindings
attach -- count and display attachments in index
deepif -- nested if-else sequences in format strings
isalias -- pattern matching against aliases
markmsg -- set jump marks on messages
softfill -- pad space in index_format:
fmtpipe -- use pipes in format strings
[Mutt 1.5] -- Lukas P. Ruf (lpr)
signin and signoff -- greeting and regrad pre/appended to outgoing messages
collapse_flagged -- do not collapse threads containing flagged messages
[Mutt ??] -- Tobias Bengtsson (ydo)
- inform_screen -- send escape code to screen on new mail
[Mutt 1.5] -- Armin Wolfermann (aw)
jumptagged -- jump forward/backward between tagged messages
listreply -- ask when sending list message replies to author only
timeouthook -- call mutt commands when $timeout expires
[Mutt 1.5] -- Terry P. Chan
sidebar -- nice sidebar that shows folder list
past versions: Justin Hibbits, Thomer M. Gil
[Mutt ??]
mutt-guile -- Extensible Mutt: scripting language for Mutt using Guile
mutt-guile Wiki: (set up by AllisterMacLeod)
[Mutt ??], SourceForge page, download -- Takizawa Takashi [Mutt 1.2-1.5]
ja -- japanese patch
ja manual:
assumed_charset -- charsets which are to be used for header fields and message body with no encoding indication
file_charset (attach_charset) -- list of charsets used for autosensing the charset of a text file when you attach it.
create_rfc2047_parameters -- add rfc2047-encoded parameters to Content-Type. this is prohibited by the standard, but some buggy mail clients require this
nonascii_old_pgp -- [1.4] (pgp_charsethack is available for greater than 1.5.8)
[Mutt 1.5] -- Thomas Glanzmann (tg)
- color-status -- colorize status line
[Mutt 1.4] -- Tudor Bosman
- headercache -- for IMAP (old version, see above for new)
[Mutt 1.5] -- Christoph Berg (cb, Myon)
chdir -- 'cd' command to change mutt's current directory
reverse_reply -- use realname from aliases in replies (similar to $reverse_alias)
xface -- updated slrnface patch to display X-Face headers in mutt
[Mutt 1.5] -- Werner Koch (wk)
- cryptmod, gpgme -- gpgme support for Mutt (1.5.8 has this ability) see also and
[Mutt 1.4/1.5] -- Steven Engelhard (sde)
libesmtp -- use libESMTP instead of an external MTA to send mail
void_passphrase_on_failed_sign -- automatically forget wrong passphrase
[Mutt 1.4] -- G. Paul Ziemba (gpz)
- tagged-macros -- make tag-prefix play nice with macros
[Mutt 0.xx] -- Brandon Long (bl)
cygwin -- Cygwin32 NT/95 Port (old)
mx_nntp -- NNTP patch (old)
content_md5 -- content-MD5 (RFC 1864) support (old)
folder_count -- count number of messages in folders in folder list (old)
uudeview -- uuencoding, xxencoding, and BinHEX support (very old)
altpgp -- alternative PGP view (very old)
[Mutt 1.5] -- Elmar Hoffmann (eh)
- thread_subject -- make hiding of subjects in a thread optional
[Mutt 1.5] -- Eric Hustvedt (reh)
- imap_fcc_status -- prevent saving of Status: headers when using fcc with IMAP. Intended for use with Courier's IMAP outbox support.
[Mutt 1.5] -- Gary Johnson (gj)
stuff_all_quoted -- improve the appearance of format=flowed messages
attach_sanitize -- sanitize file names when saving attachments
sigontop_space_fix -- add blank line following 'sigontop' signature
[Mutt 1.5] -- Christian Aichinger (Greek0)
- indexcolor -- custom colors for author, subject, date, etc. in the index display
[Mutt 1.5] -- Tamo
patch-1.5.8.tamo.patterns.3 -- pattern-menu on pattern-prompt (tab key after ~ will show it)
patch-1.5.9.tamo.POTFILE.4 -- improve GPGME code
patch-1.5.8.tamo.comval_help.2 -- status-commands
- -- smooth scroll
- -- ":set" auto-complete for path
[Mutt ??] -- Gerhard Oettl
ignore-thread -- permanently ignore threads
updated for 1.5.20 at
[Mutt ??] -- Frank Luithle
- mutt-1.5.9_pgp-unverbose-patch.diff -- same as pgp_shorten by, but for version 1.5.9
[Mutt ??]
- new echo command for visual feedback -- AdamSpiers
- [Mutt ??] PluginSupport -- add support for dynamically loading extensions to Mutt
[Mutt 1.5] -- Ben Kibbey (bjk)
- Password Manager Daemon (pwmd). Fetches auth/server info from pwmd.
Archived patches (included in mutt)
[Mutt 1.4/1.5] -- Cedric Duval (cd)
- edit_threads -- link and break threads (included in 1.5.10)
[Mutt 1.5] -- Thomas Glanzmann (tg)
header-cache -- for maildir / imap (included in 1.5.9)
mutt-thread -- match whole threads containing messages matching patterns (extends threadcomplete; included in 1.5.12)
[Mutt 1.5] -- Christoph Berg (cb, Myon)
current_shortcut -- makes the "^" character a shortcut for the currently open mailbox (new version) (1.5.10 has this ability)
menu_context -- context lines for menus (similar to $pager_context) (1.5.8 has this ability)
thread_pattern -- obsolete, see Thomas Glanzmann's mutt-thread above
[Mutt 1.5] -- Vincent Lefèvre
- patch-1.5.6.vl.savehist.1 -- persistant prompt history of commands, files, patterns... (applied in 1.5.15)
[Mutt ??] -- Brendan Cully
- patch-1.5.11.bc.smtp.10 -- built-in ESMTP relay support. (applied in 1.5.15)