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  • v1.7.11
    01ac4daa · bump version to 1.7.11 ·
    Release: v1.7.11
    Upstream Changelog:
     - Fix Http Headers are not properly received if the two characters of a line-break (\r\n) were not received together in the same ethernet package.
     - Add support for other SSL implementations than OpenSSL (as far Qt supports it).
     - Fix log bufffer was triggered only by severities above minLevel (should be "at least" minLevel).
     - INFO messages do not trigger writing out buffered log messages anymore when bufferSize>0 and minLevel>0.
  • v1.7.8
    bbf8641d · update version to 1.7.8 ·
    Release: v1.7.8
      - prefer `const QString&` over `QString`
    Upstream Changelog:
      - Fixed two possible null-pointer references in case of broken HTTP requests
      - Added content-types for `*.xml` and `*.json` to the `StaticFileController`
      - Fixed locking and memory leak in `HttpSession`
      - Code cleanup with const keywords and type conversions
      - Update Documentation
      - `HttpConnectionHandler` creates a new `QThread` instead of being a `QThread` itself
      - Improved formatting of thread ID in logger
      - `HttpConnectionHandler` closes the socket in the thread of the socket
      - Headers and Body sent to the browser are now separated into individual ethernet packets
  • v1.7.3
    5a5a7b39 · update readme ·
    Release: v1.7.3
    - fix integer overflow
    Upstream Changelog:
    - Wait until all data are sent before closing connections.
  • v1.7.2 Release: v1.7.2
    - add missing config class for HttpSessionStore
    - use cmake export targets, see #1
    Upstream Changelog:
    - fixed compile error with MSVC
  • v1.7.1 Release: v1.7.1
    - add config classes as an alternative to `QSettings*`
    - reduce verbosity of non-debug builds
    - rename namespace `stefanfrings` to `qtwebapp`
    - fix the use of `__attribute__((visibility))` respectively `__declspec((dllexport))`
    Upstream Changelog for 1.7.1:
    - Fixed a possible memory leak in case of broken Multipart HTTP Requests
    Upstream Changelog for 1.7.0:
    - Introduced namespace `stefanfrings`
    - Improved performance a little
  • v1.6.7
    11bac644 · update debian/changelog ·
    Release: v1.6.7
    - add debian package
    Upstream Changelog:
    - Fix type of socketDescriptor in qtservice library.
    - Add support for INFO log messages (new since QT 5.5).
    - Improve indentation of log messages.
  • v1.6.6-1
    a56a457a · [skip ci] readme ·
    Upstream Version 1.6.6 - Fork version 1