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  • Max Rossmannek's avatar
    add entry-points · 203b1c66
    Max Rossmannek authored
    * docs: update man-page
    * docs: update Changelog
    * docs: update dummy-plugin reference in main README
    * fix: additional module-level imports
    * plugin: docs: additional documentation
    * plugin: test: use porcelain mode
    * plugin: fix: add missing testing database
    * plugin: some basic unittests
    * refactor: relocate testing databases
    * refactor: clean up Command interface
    This removes the deprecated `console` and `prompt` attributes from all
    * ci: update pytest to latest version
    Refactoring the shell helpers and their unittests resolved the problems
    I was having with pytest>=8
    Closes #137
    * refactor: LintCommand
    * tests: skip tests pending refactoring
    * refactor: UnifyLabelsCommand
    * refactor: move ExampleConfigCommand to the config module
    * refactor: ExampleConfigCommand
    * refactor: remove special handling of init command
    This also removes the initialization of the Database from the CLI level
    in favor of loading it only on-demand during the command execution
    (which works because the Database is implemented as a Singleton).
    * refactor: remove ShellHelper UI
    * refactor: remove deprecated shell helper functions
    * Linting
    * fix: forward-compatibility to Python 3.12
    * Add a dummy plugin
    * refactor: use entry-points for command, importers, and parsers
    This refactors these modular aspects of coBib as entry-points, allowing
    them to be extended by plugins.
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